Avtor/Urednik     Lonzarić, Dragan; Jesenšek Papež, Breda; Vogrin, Matjaž; Turk, Zmago
Naslov     Efficacy of local Pohorje peat compress in patients with knee osteoarthritis: results from a sham-controlled trial
Tip     članek
Vir     Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
Vol. in št.     Letnik 19, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 213-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Purpose: To test the effectiveness of local Pohorje peat compresses in the treatment of gonarthrosis. Pohorje peat is biolit of high-altitude forest bogs. Materials and Methods: The sham-controlled prospective study included 72 participants (40 women and 32 men) with a total of 112 arthrotic knees divided into two groups. The test group (17 women and 19 men, average age 60.0+/-9.1 years) received actual therapy using compresses of Pohorje peat, while the control group (23 women and 13 men, average age 61.9+/-9.5 years) received sham magnetotherapy. All participants underwent ten 30-min daily treatments. The first clinical evaluation was done prior to the first therapy session (T1), and the second was done one month after the last session (T2). Primary outcome measures were improvements in WOMAC scores and passive knee range-of-motion. Secondary outcome measures were improvement in health state, diminution of painkiller drug usage, satisfaction following treatment with peat, and side effects. Results: In the test group, there was a statistically significant improvement in WOMAC score (from WOMAC(T1) 6.2+/-1.3 to WOMAC(T2) 4.1+/-1.8, mean diminution 2.1+/-1.8; P<0.001). In the control group the mean WOMAC score deteriorated (from WOMAC(T1) 5.7+/-1.6 to WOMAC(T2) 5.9+/-2.1, mean increase 0.1+/-2.0; P=0.437). The difference between groups was highly statistically significant (P<0.001). There was no significant improvement in knee passive range-of-motion (PROM) (PROM(test group, T2) 120.9°+/-17.5°, PROM(control group, T2) 126.7°+/-13.5°; P=0.08). The difference in improvement in general health state was statistically significant (test group: much better n=13, slightly better n=16, same n=6, worse n=1; control group: much better n=1, slightly better n=12, same n=17, worse n=6; P<0.001). There were no serious side effects, some minor pain in the knee and leg was only transient and did not require an interruption of therapy. (Abs. trunc. at 2000 ch.)
Deskriptorji     MUD THERAPY