Author/Editor     Flis, Vojko
Title     Disekcija aorte in razpok anevrizme abdominalne aorte
Translated title     Aortic dissection and rupture of aneurysm of abdominal aorta
Type     članek
Source     In: Grmec Š, Kupnik D. Akutna stanja: znamenja, simptomi, sindromi, diferencialna diagnoza in ukrepanje. Zbornik predavanj in algoritmov ukrepanja 4. strokovni seminar z mednarodno udeležbo; 2009 okt 15-17; Maribor. Maribor: Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca - OE NMP, Center za nujno medicinsko pomoč in reševalne prevoze,
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 63-71
Language     slo
Abstract     Aortic dissection and the rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm are important causes of morbidity and death that require rapid diagnosis and frequently require prompt operative repair to offer the patient any chance of survival. Diagnostic these conditions, especially in the prehospital setting, can be challenging and carries a high risk of misdiagnosis. The primary role of the emergency physician is identifying these conditions with prompt surgical consultation without delaying surgical repair because of diagnostic testing, and primary stabilization of patients.
Summary     Disekcija aorte in razpok anevrizme abdominalne aorte sta pomembna vzroka smrti in obolevnosti, ki zahtevata hitro diagnostiko in pogosto takojšnje operativno zdravljenje, da bi bolnik sploh imel kakšne možnosti za preživetje. Diagnostika teh stanj, še posebej v predbolnišničnem okolju, je pravi izziv in predstavlja visoko tveganje za napačno diagnozo. Primarna vlogaurgentnega zdravnika je hitra diagnostika, posvet s kirurgom brez prelaganja oskrbe zaradi zamudne dodatne diagnostike in primarna stabilizacija bolnika.