Author/Editor     Matičič, Mojca; Kastelic, Andrej
Title     Nacionalne usmeritve obvladovanja okužbe z virusom hepatitisa C pri uživalcih drog v Sloveniji
Translated title     National guidelines for the management of hepatitis C virus infection in drug users in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 78, št. 10
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 529-39
Language     slo
Abstract     Since the recognition of hepatitis C virus in 1989 it has been clear that intravenous drug users are at highest risk for acquiring the infection due to parenteral mode of its transmission. Hepatitis C virus is the main cause of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In Slovenia, the strategy for the complex management of hepatitis C virus infection has been established in 1997 and 1999. Nowadays, simple and accessible diagnostic tools are available to diagnose the infection and the treatment of chronic hepatitis is successful in 48‐95 %.Due to several preventive strategies the pre-valence of hepatitis C virus infection among intravenous drug users on substitution treatment has decreased from 50‐60 % at the beginning of the nineties to 16.5 % actually infected in 2006. To improve the detection of the infected drug users, their further follow up and management by the hepatitis specialists, the Slovenian national consensus guidelines for the management of hepatitis C virus infection in drug users have been set up in 2007. They comprise the stepwise diagnostic and treatment procedures as well as counselling all being performed in close cooperation between the hepatitis specialists and therapists in drug addiction treatment programmes.