Author/Editor     Groleger, U; Stanič-Gruden, O
Title     Psihosocialne značilnosti suicidalnih mladostnikov
Translated title     Psychosocial characteristics of suicidal adolescents
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 15-55
Language     slo
Abstract     Psychosocial characteristics of 60 secondary school adolescent female suicide attempters were determined in the present study. We compared them with 60 secondary school females, representing a normal population. The data collected from the histories of the disease were compared by the inquiry of the control group which answered our questionare specially elaborated for this research. The personal characteristics were evaluated by the Freiburg Personal Inqiury.The attempters expressed significantly higher levels of broken homes and disfunctional interpersonal relations in their families. They were less likely to describe confiding relationship with their parents. The loss of contact with their parents was frequently present. The attempters mostly lived with their mothers, a high percentage of them had neither brothers nor sisters. Their capability of creating good relationships was poor. Their parents were either quiet and not participating in parent - girl relationships or too sensitive and dominant. The attempters expressed high levels of depression, though comparing them with the control group the levels weren't significantly different. The attempters expressed psychosomatic disturbances, they were impulsive and with predominantly female personal characteristics. Most of the attempters expressed high levels of school difficulties and adjustment problems related to their success in school as to the classmates relationships. Partner relationships as well as social potentials resulting from choosing a wrong company were worse. The attempters expressed high levels of suicidal thoughts, previous history of suicidal attempts and high levels of suicidal behaviour in their families. Comparing the life circumstances and stressors in both groups, no differences were detected. The results of our research reflected a pretty heterogenous sample concerning personal characteristics and psychiatric diagnoses. No particulare type of suicide attepmter personal type emerged.
Descriptors     SUICIDE, ATTEMPTED