Author/Editor     Starc, Radovan; Zorc, Marjeta; Vraspir-Porenta, Olga
Title     Angina pektoris z normalnim koronarogramom (Mikrovaskularna angina pektoris)
Translated title     Angina pectoris with normal coronary angiography (Microvascular angina pectoris)
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 111-20
Language     slo
Abstract     In this article the main features of microvascular angina pectoris are discussed in detail. The disease is characterized by angina pectoris in the presence of arteriographically normal coronary arteries. This syndrome considerably differs from angina pectoris by its causes, history, diagnostic approach, prognosis and management.
Descriptors     ANGINA PECTORIS