Author/Editor     Jezeršek, B; Stanič, K; Us-Krašovec, M
Title     Pretočna citometrija v diagnostiki izlivov v serozne votline
Translated title     Flow-cytometric measurements of DNA in effusions
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 62, št. 11
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 527-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The sensitivity of conventional cytopathological examination of effusion ranges from 80 per cent to 90.5 per cent . W!e attempt to improve the diagnostic accuracy by means ofspecial method, among them the flow-cytometric measurements of DNA. With our research we tried to evaluate the significance of flowcytometric measurements of DNA in the diagnostic procedure of effusions. Methods. 369 samples of effusions from patients with history of malignant disease and patients with different benign pathologic conditions were randomly chosen for conventional cytological examination and flow cytometric analysis of DNA content. The smears for conventional cytopathological examination were routinely stained according to Giemsa and Papanicolaou. For DNA flow-cytometry the specimens were fixed and stained with 4-6 diamidino-2-phenylindol sulphorhodamine. DNA content was measured with Partec PAS II flow-cytometer. Results. Cytologically, 229 specimens of effusion were benign, 19 suspicious for malignancy, 101 malignant and 20 samples unsatisfactory. Abnormal DNA histograms were found in 5 per cent of benign effusions, in 37 per cent of suspicious and in 53 per cent of malignant samples. Conclusion. DNA flow cytometry of effusions with present techniques seems to have only limited value in the diagnostic procedure as an additional method to conventional cytological examinution. We must dissuade from using DNA flow cytometry as an independent diagnostic method because of its low sensitivity.
Descriptors     FLOW CYTOMETRY