Author/Editor     Pegan, V; Sever, Marko
Title     Laparoskopska holecistektomija - analiza prvih 120 primerov
Translated title     Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - analysis of the first 120 cases
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 62, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 19-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Initial experience with a new laparoscopic method of cholecystectomy, involving many advantages for the patient, is reported. Methods and results. We performed our first laparoscopic cholecystectomies in 1992, observing instructions provided by experienced laparoscopic surgeons during laparoscopic courses, and following recommendations given in the literature. Having carried out 120 operations, we are convinced that the method is safe and adequate, provided that all demands of modern medicine are considered. None of our 120 patients died and only one experienced a major complication. There were six conversions in our series, five of them having no consequences for the patient. Conclusions. The laparoscopic method of cholecystectomy is safe if performed by a surgeon, willing and able to learn and accept a completely new concept of operative technique. It is a useful procedure, promising to contribute to the patient's well-being.