Author/Editor     Pokorn, D
Title     Dejavniki tveganja pri nastanku kroničnih bolezni v R Sloveniji
Translated title     Risk factors of chronic diseases in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Obz
Vol. and No.     Letnik 27, št. 5-6
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 269-77
Language     slo
Abstract     Relatively high incidence and prevalence ofchronic and degenerative diseases in the Republic of Slovenia or their permanent increase, when compared with western countries where it is lower and has been decreasing already for several years, is a consequence of a much too intensive presence of risk factors in the Republic of Slovenia. Only after a change in the policy of nutrition, environmental protection, health education and a changed health service in general, it will be possible to lower the incidence of these diseases in the newly established state of Slovenia.
Descriptors     CHRONIC DISEASE