Avtor/Urednik     Crnjac, Anton; Hojski, Aljaž
Naslov     Rak požiralnika in resekcija po Ivor-Lewisu
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Mes
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. 5/12
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 106-13
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Despite enormous progress in medicine and technology, esophageal cancer still remains a disease with high mortality. It is operable and potentially curable only in the initial stage. Most of the cases are discovered too late when the patient can be treated only with palliative procedures due to advanced dysphagia. In the last few years, the changes in people's eating habits have increased the occurrence of cancer. The article describes the basis characteristics of the disease, examination methods, and treatment options. The basic surgical procedure in thoracic surgery is Ivor-Lewis resection.
Izvleček     Navkljub napredku v medicini in tehnologiji ostaja malignom požiralnika še naprej ena najbolj smrtonosnih bolezni, kar jih človeštvo pozna. V zadnjih letih se s spremembo prehranjevalnih navad njena pogostnost še povečuje. V članku so povzete osnovne značilnosti ter preiskovalne metode in možnosti zdravljenja. V torakalni kirurgiji je osnoven pristop resekcija po Ivor-Lewisu, ki je tudi opisana.