Author/Editor     Podnar, S
Title     Nevrofiziološka opredelitev delovanja perifernega živčevja pri maničnodepresivnih bolnikih, zdravljenih z litijem
Translated title     Lithium and peripheral nervous system function in manic-depressive patients
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 227-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Influence of lithium on peripherai nervous function was evaluated by measuring of electrophysiological parameters in two groups of psychiatric patients (20 lithium treated and 20 affective-psychot c patients without the lithium treatment) and a group of 20 healthy volunteers. Lower amplitudes of M waves (p less th. 0,015) and sensory neurograms (p less th. 0,020) on stimulation of the median nerve have been found in both groups of patients. On peroneal nerve stimulation lower M wave amplitudes have been found only in the group of lithium treated patients (p less th. 0,055). No significant differences in conduction parameters of motor and sensory fibers were demonstrated. Our results demonstrate subclinical involvment of motor and sensory axons in affective-psyhotic patients, which is only slightly more pronounced in lithium treated patients. We suggest that lithium (within therapeutic plasma concentrations) is just one among the factors leading towards minor axonopathy in psychiatric patients.
Descriptors     LITHIUM