Author/Editor     Leš, M; Kralj, A; Munih, M; Bajd, T
Title     Električna stimulacija kot medij za prenos senzorično-motoričnih informacij
Translated title     Electical stimulation as medium for sensory-motorical information transfer
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 301-20
Language     slo
Abstract     The metods hitherto used to substitute the missing information about the position or weight transfer in spinal cord injured patients are presented, with a special emphasis being placed on the information transfer in prosthetics and functional eleMric stimulation. The metod of information transfer through the skin receptors is described in more detail. A spinal cord injured patient must be able to press the cord switch at the right moment in orderto start the next phase of gait cycle. The use of transcutaneous electrical stimulation causing no muscule contraction is dealt with, and the experimental equipment prepared for this purpose is presented. The results are represented graphically.
Descriptors     PARAPLEGIA