Author/Editor     Bedernjak, J
Title     Epidemiološke značilnosti leptospiroz v Pomurju od leta 1964-1985
Translated title     The epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in Pomurje from 1964-1985
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 62, št. 12
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 573-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Methods. Included in the study were 66G leptospiral patients who were treated in the Department of Infectious Diseases of the General Hospital of Murska Sobota from 1964 to 1985. Conditionally, only patients with a four fold increase or decrease of the titer of antibodies or patients indicating an isolation of leptospirae from hemocultures were taken into account. The research was prospective from 1967 onward. Results. In this period, 214 men (58.47 per cent ) and 152 women (41.53 per cent ) were treated in Pomurje. The average annual morbidity rate in Pomurje during this time was 12.75/100 000 inhabitants, and in the rest of Slovenia, 1.03/100,000. By county, the highest average annual morbidity rate was in Lendava (23.14), in Murska Sobota (12.16), in Ljutomer (9.44) and in Gornja Radgona (4.18). Leptospirosis occurs throughout the year. Ten serovars from different serogroups avere confirmed. Among them, serovars grippotyphosa, sejroe and icterohemorrhagiae occured most frequentlly. Condusions. Pomurje falls among the most intensive leptospiral endemie areas in Europe. In almost every case, leptospirosis appears sporadically. In contrast to the predominant opinion in Slovenia, we found the occurrence of leptospirosis throughout the year which is very important for diagnosis and successfull therapy. There is need to continue with prophylactic measures in Pomurje and to begin to vaccinate the most threatened groups. Further epidemiological research of leptospirosis in the rest of Slorenia is essential.
Descriptors     LEPTOSPIROSIS