Avtor/Urednik     Fras, Zlatko; Jug, Borut
Naslov     Nekateri vidiki sodobnega preprečevanja bolezni srca in žilja
Prevedeni naslov     Some contemporary views in cardiovascular prevention
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Kardiol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 7, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 4-10
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The main objective of contemporary cardiovascular prevention is to prevent initiation, development and complications of atherosderotic vascular disease. It encompasses the whole range of activities: risk assessment, additional diagnostic procedures, if necessary, treatment of risk factors, prescription and assurance of adherence with appropriate (pharmacologic) secondary preventive protective measures in patients with manifest atherosderotic disease, as well as patient rehabilitation. The last version of Joint European Guidelines (which were adapted and adopted also in Slovenia) overcome not only previous differences of preventive recommendations on the basis of affected arterial area, but also the division between primary and secondary prevention - their main emphasis is focused towards actual absolute risk assessment, white the interventions base on population (meant mainly for low and moderate risk groups) or individual approach (for individuals at high risk and patients with already manifest atherosderotic disease). Cardiovascular risk assessment stili grounds on dinical information - presence and levels of various risk factors and/or documented atherosderotic process in coronary, carotid, and/or peripheral arteries - white in individuals at moderate risk this assessment could be supplemented with functional and morphological imaging procedures (carotid ultrasonography and coronary CT calcium score), and/or measurement of some new risk markers (mainly C-reactive protein). For risk factors treatment the therapeutic lifestyle changes are prioritized (mainly Mediterranean diet, regular moderate physical activity, and non-smoking), white in addition the guidelines recommend more strict (lower) target levels of individual risk factors. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)