Author/Editor     Košnik, M; Šuškovič, S; Grmek, I
Title     Anafilaktična reakcija na sukcinilholin med splošno anestezijo
Translated title     Anaphylactic reaction to succynilcholine during general anaesthesia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 5
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 285-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. One of 5,000-15,000 cases of general anaesthesia is complicated by anaphylactic reaction. In addition to anaesthetics most of patients are administered several other drugs which may provoke anaphylactic reaction. The drug which provoked allergic reaction should never be given to the patient again. The drug which provoked similar symptoms by nonimmune mechanism can be tolerated in smaller and slowly administered dose. Methods. A female patients had anaphylactic reaction during induction of general anaesthesia. The procedure and assessment of allergologic skin tests, specific IgE antibodies and i.v. challenge have been described. Results. Positive skin prick test with succynilholine and finding of specific IgE antibodies to succynilholine have confirmed, that patient had been sensitised for this drug. Negative skin tests and i.v. challenge with fentanyl and etomidate ensure that repeated use of these drugs is probably safe. Conclusions. In patient who had systemic reaction during general anaesthesia the allergologic examination contributed to the clarification of its mechanisms. The result is important in planning further anaesthesia.