Author/Editor     Nečas, M; Vašku, V
Title     Ustekinumab in the treatment of severe rupioid psoriasis: a case report
Type     članek
Source     Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannon Adriat
Vol. and No.     Letnik 19, št. 2
Publication year     2010
Volume     str. 23-7
Language     eng
Abstract     This paper describes a case of a patient with widespread rupioid psoriasis in whom ustekinumab was introduced because of a relative contraindication to conventional systemic treatment and insufficient effect of phototherapy. Improvement of his psoriasis was very rapid, with a decrease in the PASI of 63.4% (from 30.9 to 11.3) during the first 4 weeks of treatment and an additional 31.4% (from 11.3 to 1.6) within another 12 weeks. However, the patient's psoriatic arthritis has not shown much improvement so far. Treatment with ustekinumab was tolerated well by the patient without any adverse events and also significantly improved his quality of life. Ustekinumab is a welcome extension of biologicals for the treatment of psoriasis because it represents an alternative to anti-TNF alpha preparations.
Descriptors     PSORIASIS