Author/Editor     Voga, G
Title     Septični šok
Translated title     Septic shock
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 87-92
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Septic shock and multiorgan failure are becoming the most important cause of death in intensive cure units. Basic prerequisite is presence of severe infection and invasion of microorganisms in the bloodstream, even though it could develop as a consequence of traumatic or hypoxic tissue damage. Septic shock results from a series of metabolic and circulatory events triggered partially by the invading microbe but more importantly by the body's defence against infection. Activated mediators of septic response are responsible for metabolic and microvascular changes and for myocardial depression. Circulatory shock with pathologic oxygen uptake/supply dependency and multiorgan failure develop. Conclusions. Septic shock must be recognised as early as possible and proper treatment should be started immediately. Transfer to intensive care unit and invasive hemodynamic monitoring are mandatory for successful treatment. Aggressive volume replacement, mechanical ventilation, inotropic agents, vasopressors and antibiotics are commonly used. The most important therapeutic goals are eradication of septic focus, adequate tissue oxygenation, nutritional and metabolic support and support of individual failing organs.
Descriptors     SHOCK, SEPTIC