Author/Editor     Kvas, Andreja; Mihelič-Zajec, Andreja
Title     Izvedba zdravstvenovzgojne stojnice študentov babištva
Translated title     Health education stall organised by the midwifery students
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 2
Publication year     2010
Volume     str. 101-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The teacher's and student's roles in higher education, including the education of nurses and midwives are changing. These changes are due to the recognition that active students' participation in educational process effectuate knowledge acquisition, its application in practice, as well as personal growth. Another significant factor inducing the changes in teaching methods and strategies was the introduction of the principles of Bologne declaration into Slovene higher educational system. Aim: The aim of the survey was to determine the attitude of the students of the Faculty of health sciences of Ljubljana (formerly The College for health professionals) towards the active learning strategies and methods on the example of health education stall 'Breast self-examination', conducted by midwifery students. Methods: lncluded in the study were 85 students of the College for health professionals of Ljubljana who attended the stall and filled out a questionnaire. The latter was designed on the literature review solely for the purpose of the study. The majority of the respondents were the midwifery (33.6 %) and nursing students (23.5 %). Results: Most of the respondents (87.1 %) find the acquired knowledge usefu! for future health behaviour, 58,8 % will pass on the acquired knowledge, 84,7 % believe that there should be more activities of a kind, 40 % are willing to participate in si milar health education activities. Discussion and conclusions: Survey results indicate that the respondents possess positive attitude towards active learning techniques and methods. The students had an opportunity to demonstrate the breast self-examination techniques in an understandable and interesting manner, giving all those interested a chance to practice the techniques on a model and receive answer to any question posed. Most of the third and graduate year students found the overall message of the stall intelligible (p = 0.037). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     NURSE MIDWIVES