Avtor/Urednik     Kadivec, Saša; Vrankar, Katja; Vegnuti, Miljana
Naslov     Ustna nega pri bolniku z motnjami v požiralniku in pri bolniku z vstavljenim endotrahealnim tubusom
Prevedeni naslov     Oral hygiene in patients with swallowing difficulties and patients with an andotracheal tube
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Skela-Savič B, Kaučič BM, Zurc J, et al, editors. Sustainable development of nursing in today's society - research-based development of nursing. Proceedings of lectures with peer review of the 3rd International scientific conference on research in nursing and health care, 2010 Sep 16-17; Ljubljana. Jesenice: College of Nursing,
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 410-6
Jezik     slo