Avtor/Urednik     Duh, Matjaž; Krašna, Marjan
Naslov     Vrednotenje kvalitativnih parametrov e-gradiv
Prevedeni naslov     Quality parameters assessment of e-learning materials
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Orel M, editor. Nova vizija tehnologij prihodnosti. Mednarodna konferenca InfoKomTeh 2010; 2010 okt 27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Evropska svetovalnica,
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 389-96
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Contemporary design paradigm of e-learning materials requires content correctness, didactically and technically suitable and aesthetically appropriate products. Such e-learning materials are more effective in knowledge transfer in both horizontal and vertical scale. Even learners are fonder of them. Content, didactical, technical, and aesthetic views of e-learning material have to bond and produce compatible product. Some of these views are hard to assess. This is particularly true for aesthetic view which is by the way very important. In this point we find a question what is aesthetically suitable and what is not. Quality assured development process of e-learning materials should be a part of education in all educational studies. Students of special didactical disciplines should acquire a critical view to the application of e-learning materials through their own prepared presentations. This article presents the border conditions in the design of e-learning materials. We are going to highlight fundamental parameters for assessment of aesthetically suitable e-learning materials. We are focusing on readability of the computer screen, screen balancing, effects, and navigation.
Izvleček     Danes se pri oblikovanju e-gradiv zavedamo, da morajo biti ta ob vsebinski, didaktični in tehnični kakovosti, tudi estetsko oblikovana. Takšna gradiva dajo bolj kakovostno znanje tako po globini, kot po širini in učeči jih raje uporabljajo. Vsebinski, didaktični, tehnični in estetski vidik se morajo prepletati in zagotoviti skladno celoto. Estetski vidik je torej pomemben hkrati pa ga je težko ocenjevati. Nehote se v tem primeru srečamo s problemom razlage kaj je estetsko in kaj ne. Kakovostna priprava gradiv za neposredno pedagoško delo bi morala biti del znanj, ki naj bi jih študenti pedagoških smeri pridobili že v času študija. Bodoči učitelji bi morali preko lastnih predstavitev pridobiti kritičen odnos do vseh vidikov uporabe e-gradiv. Prispevek predstavlja robne pogoji pri koncipiranju e-gradiv. Osvetljeni so temeljni parametri za ocenjevanje estetskosti e-gradiv, predvsem z vidika čitljivosti in berljivosti zaslonske slike, njene uravnoteženosti; uporabe efektov in navigacije.