Author/Editor     Šerko, A; Jančigaj, T; Štefanič, B
Title     Identification problems in ten-day war
Type     članek
Source     In: Bergamini PR, editor. Personal identification. Proceedings of the fourth international meeting on forensic medicine Alpe-Adria-Pannonia; 1994 May 12-14; Grado. Gorizia: Universita degli studi di Trieste,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 195-7
Language     eng
Abstract     A basic problem of identification in the 10-day war lay in the fact that the Yugoslav National Army members and the Slovenian Territorial Army members did not wear any identification tags. An additional problem was represented by the fact that the five bodies from the wreckage of downed YNA helicopters were charred. Territorial Army members and civilians were identified during the war by means of fingerprint identification. YNA members were identified after the ceasefire by identifying their personal belongings and equipment, and the serial numbers on their weapons. The YNA Commission and the workers of the Institute of Forensic Medicine participated in the identification. One body remained unidentified.
Descriptors     WAR