Author/Editor     Filipič, A
Title     Zanesljivost in veljavnost izbranih motoričnih testov v tenisu
Translated title     Reliability and validity of the chosen motorics test in tennis
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 30-5
Language     slo
Abstract     On sample of 43 tennis players aged between 15 and 23 the basic motorics and tennis abilities were assessed. The anthropometric measurements of the units in the sample were taken as well. For multiple-item motorics tests, both basic and tennis ones, the reliability of the measurement procedures has been calculated. All the tests that proved an adequate level of reliability were used in the further research. Four factors were isolated after applying the factor analysis: agility factor, factor of the repetitive strength and flexibility, factor of explosive strength of legs and factor of hand movement speed. Due to a small sample the regression was divided between the basic motorics and the tennis tests. Based upon the partial regression the combined test battery was constructed. It consisted of five basic and one tennis motorics test as well as of three anthropometric measurements. The results of regression analysis show a statistically significant connection between the system of tests and the criterion. Applying the system of variables (tests) approximately 40 percent of the criterion variance can be explained.
Descriptors     TENNIS