Avtor/Urednik     Spindler, Majda
Naslov     Avdiološka indikacija za vstavitev hibridnega kohlearnega implanta
Prevedeni naslov     Audiology indication for implantation of hybrid cochlear implant
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Brumec M, editor. Zbornik referatov 4. slovenskega posveta o rehabilitaciji oseb s polževim vsadkom; 2010 nov 12-13; Maribor. Maribor: Center za sluh in govor,
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 21-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     For many patients with poor word recognition abilities, good low-frequency hearing and poor high-frequency hearing, cochlear implantation has historically been dismissed. These patients have typically not been implanted due to the potential for additional hearing loss of residual hearing. In recent years hybrid cochlear implant have been developed that combine a cochlear implant with a sound amplifying hearing aid. This hybrid cochlear implant makes cochlear implants suitable for many people with partial hearing loss. The sound amplifying component helps users to perceive lower frequency sounds through their residual natural hearing while the cochlear implant allows them to hear middle and higher frequency sounds. The combination enhances speech perception in noisy environments particularly when the competing sounds are other talkers.
Izvleček     V preteklosti naglušnim s slabo razumljivostjo govora, z dobro ohranjenimi nizkimi frekvencami in težko okvaro srednjih in višjih frekvenc nismo vstavljali kohlearnega implanta, da ne bi dodatno uničili ostanka sluha. V zadnjih letih so proizvajalci razvili tako imenovani hibridni kohlearni implant, ki združuje klasični kohlearni implant in slušni aparat. Tak aparat je primeren za mnoge bolnike z delno okvaro sluha. Akustični del aparata pojača ohranjene nizke frekvence, medtem ko električni del, klasični kohlearni implant omogoča zaznavanje srednjih in višjih frekvenc. Kombinacija obeh izboljša razumljivost govora v hrupnem okolju, predvsem če je konkurenčni hrup govor.
Deskriptorji     AUDIOLOGY