Avtor/Urednik     Leonardi, Matilde; Burger, Helena; Marinček, Črt
Naslov     Integrating research into policy planning: MHADIE policy recommendations
Tip     članek
Vir     Disabil Rehabil
Vol. in št.     Letnik 32, št. S1
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. S139-47
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     MHADIE project (Measuring Health and Disability in Europe: Supporting policy development) aimed at developing realistic, evidence-based and effective national policies for persons with disabilities. A preliminary step towards this goal was the demonstration on the feasibility of employing the ICF in clinical, educational and statistical fields, which corresponds to the recognised need to enhance the European Union's capacity of analysis of disability, as highlighted in its Disability Action Plan 2006-2007. The ultimate outcome of the project is the production of 13 policy recommendations, dealing with statistics clinical and educational areas, and four general policy recommendations focusing on: (a) the need of coordinating and integrating disability conceptualisation at all policy levels and across sectors; (b) the need of conducing longitudinal cohort studies which include children aged 0-6; (c) the need of reviewing transportation policies inlight of the requirements of persons with disabilities; (d) the need of reviewing all disability policies to emphasise and support the role of the family, which is a consistent and substantial environmental facilitator in the lives of persons with disabilities.