Avtor/Urednik     Božič, Marko; Kau, Chung How; Richmond, Stephen; Ovsenik, Maja; Ihan-Hren, Nataša
Naslov     Novel method of 3-dimensional soft-tissue analysis for Class III patients
Tip     članek
Vir     Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
Vol. in št.     Letnik 138, št. 6
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 758-69
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate 3-dimensional facial shells by incorporating a population-specific average template with a group of Class III subjects preparing to have orthognathic surgery. Methods: The Class III group included 14 male (MCIII) and 15 female (FCIII) subjects. We used 43 male and 44 female Class I subjects to construct average male (AvM) and female (AvF) faces. Coordinates of 3 points on the facial templates of groups MCIII and FCIII and the templates AvM and AvF were compared. MCIII-AvM and FCIII-AvF superimpositions were evaluated for differences. Results: Vertical distances (sella to soft-tissue pogonion) were statistically significantly higher for the AvM (9.1%) and MCIII (10.1%) than for the AvF and FCIII, respectively (P <0.05). The distances of soft-tissue pogonion in the horizontal x-axis were positive in 80% of the FCIII group and 85.7% of the MCIII group. The Class III subjects differed from the average face in the lower two thirds, but, in 50% (MCIII) and 60% (FCIII), they differed also in the upper facial third. Conclusions: (1) The average and Class III Slovenian male morphologic face heights are statistically significantly higher than those of the female subjects. (2) The Slovenian Class III male and female subjects tend toward a left-sided chin deviation. (3) Differences between Class III patients and a normative data set were determined.