Avtor/Urednik     Grebenc, Tine; Martin, P Maria; Ratoša, Ivan; Piltaver, Andrej; Marjanović, Žaklina; Niccolo-Benucci, Gian Maria; Kraigher, Hojka
Naslov     A diversity of rDNA ITS region in the genus Tuber indicates the putative postglacial migration routes of their symbiont trees in W and E Europe
Tip     članek
Vir     In: The Fungal Cell. Programme and Abstracts of the British Mycological Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2009 Sep 1-4; West Park, Dundee, UK. Dundee: British Mycological Society,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 38
Jezik     eng