Author/Editor     Tonini, G; Marinoni, S; Rustico, M; Prampolini, P; Radillo, L
Title     Ultrasonography in diagnosis of central precocious puberty
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. I-37-I-40
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. In children with true precocious puberty, the greatest problems are accelerated growth and bone maturation, short stature due to premature closure of epiphyseal cartillage, and psychological problems due to premature secondary sexual characteristics. The aim of the study was to estimate the value of pelvic ultrasonography in diagnosing precocious puberty, and in the follow-up of patients. Methods and results. 16 girls aged 1 to 8.5 years with appearance of pubertal signs before the age of 8, for whom the final diagnosis was true precocious puberty (10 cases), idiopathic precocious telarche (3 cases) and idiopathic precocious pubarche (3 cases), were studied. The ultrasonography of the uterus and gonads in different conditions of bladder refilling, based on the measure of 3 ovary diameters, with the final evaluation of the volume expressed in ml, were performed. The measure of the ovary volume was proven to be the best marker to diagnose a true precocious puberty, since this method showed gonadal increase at the first appearance of pubertal signs, before the changes in hormonal levels, characteristic of pubertal development appeared (Tanner stage 2-3). Conclusion. It was demonstrated that the pelvic ultrasonography is a good method for early detection of true precocious puberty. It is a practical non-invasive and very sensitive examination, which makes for early treatment of precocious puberty by suppressive therapy with LHRH analogues, and for follow-up of patients.