Author/Editor     Hojs, Radovan
Title     Analgetična nefropatija
Translated title     Analgesic nephropathy
Type     članek
Source     In: Šubic J, editor. Iz prakse za prakso: stranski učinki zdravljenja. 5. mariborsko srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine; 1994 Oct 21-22; Maribor. Maribor: Zdravniško društvo,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 41-50
Language     slo
Abstract     Analgesic nephropathy is an exogenic tubulointerstitial renal disease with progressive clinical course and frequently with the occurence of papillary necrosis. The result of the abuse of pain killers, it is spread more or less all over the word. It is a dependency disease and part of the analgesic syndrome. Clinically analgesic nephropathy is frequently asymptomatic until a late stage of renal failure. Extrarenal complications following the chronic abuse of analgesics are also frequent and numerous. Essential for the diagnosis are data on abuse of analgesics and proof of tubulointerstitial renal damage with papillary necrosis. The basis of treatment is the cessation of the massive intake of analgesics. Adequate preventive measures are important (removing compound analgesics from the market, information). The author describes a typical case of a female patient with analgesic nephropathy.
Descriptors     ANALGESICS