Author/Editor     Kovačev, AN
Title     Notranja strukturiranost emocij in njihova vloga pri subjektivnem uravnavanju lastnega vedenja
Translated title     The inner structuralization of emotions and their role in the subjects regulation of his own behaviour
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 1-3
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 30-40
Language     slo
Abstract     The research of the affective processes is considered to be one of the weakest areas of psychological research. It has been characterised by a lack of conceptual clarity for quite some time. More recently, different authors have differentiated between three categories of basic effective processes (moods, feelings and emotions). Emotions are clearly defined psychic processes which are distinguished as a feature from their experiental context. They include experiental, behavioural and physiologic aspects and express the subjects relationship with the external world and with his/hereself. These can be placed onto different points of two basic dimensions: hedonic tone and activation. The fundamental function of emotions is regulation of the subject's behaviour. As motives, they determine his/her activity. In this they have to be distinguished from other behaviour regulators, i. e. needs and drives, as emotions are functionally interlaced between motivational and cognitive processes.