Author/Editor     Kovačev, AN; Musek, J
Title     Osebnostni korelati grafičnega izražanja
Translated title     Personality correlations of the graphic self-expression
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 1-3
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 66-93
Language     slo
Abstract     The present research was carried out to determine the personality correlates of the graphic expression of four primary emotions (joy, sorrow, anger, and fear). The abstract drawings of emotions were analyzed according to a list of plastic elements and some characteristics of the plastic structure. The basic personality dimensions were measured with Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Correlations between the elements of the graphic self expression and the basic personality traits were calculated first for all drawings together and then for the drawings ofeach primary emotion separately. It was found out that extroversion correlates with the use of red colour, while neuroticism does not correlate with the use ofanyplastic element. Psychoticism did not have a typical correlation with the use of any element of the graphic self expression. Still, most of the correlations between it and the plastic elements are very unusual. Psychoticism namely correlates with the use of those, which are atypical for the subject. Lying disposition correlates with some indicators of the whish to cause a great sensation and with carefullness in expressing. Age is in negative correlation with the use of blue colour and in positive with the use of hatched lines. The characteristics of the graphic symbolization of emotions also correlate with sex. Girls use warm and vivid colours (particularly orange and green) more often than boys.