Author/Editor     Rutar, D
Title     Psihologija skozi psihoanalizo. 8. del. Podobe telesa
Translated title     Psychology through psychoalanysis. Part 8. The imagines of the body
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 1-3
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 105-20
Language     slo
Abstract     The main topic of our article are the imagines of the body, since they represent the cornerstone of every concept concerned with the subject. Our thesis is that the body is nothing but the textual basis of subject's mental life, because the body is always carved up by the texts. There's no body outside of the textual networks. Furthermore, the body is of special interest for us, because it represents a horizon of our understanding of the world and our position within it. The imagines of the body constitute the theater of our beliefs, where we believe that our identity is a sum of body functions and imagines with which we identify ourselves. Our basic thesis is, of course, a psychoanalytic one: the understanding of our identity depends on our ability to take a distance from the imagines of the body.