Author/Editor     Zaviršek, D
Title     Psihiatrični oddelek med boleznijo in njeno kulturno manifestacijo: študija primera (4)
Translated title     Psychiatric ward between illness and its cultural manifestation - A case study (4)
Type     članek
Source     Soc Delo
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 4
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 301-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Relating personal biographies that sum up events in a meaningful contiuum of experience is rather neglected in psychiatric hospitals. But it is very important to collect life stories in which women recollect mostly negative events from their lives. The greater part of the article consists of conversations with two women who have the experience of class deprivation and their husbands' violence. Both are under the impact of the patriarchal ideology and both have to fight for their rights while dividing joint property with their husbands. One is also marked with her ethnic origin which reinforces her alienation from the culture where she lives. Psychiatry is from them a "retirement from unbearable conditions" which they enter as a consequence of "disordered nerves" brought about by a variety of deprivations.