Author/Editor     Gorišek, B
Title     Rezultati liječenja primarnog karcinoma jajnika na Ginekološkom odelu Opće bolnice u Mariboru
Translated title     The results of therapy of primary ovarian cancer at the Department of gynecology General hospital in Maribor
Type     članek
Source     Gynaecol Perinatol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 1-2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 1-5
Language     cro
Abstract     The results of cytoreductive operations and polychemotherapy in patients with primary ovarian cancer were analysed. From 1984 to 1989, 87 patients were treated. After the primary surgery all patients received the adjuvant combination chemotherapy with cisplatin in six cycles. At clinical stage I there were 25 patients (29 per cent), at stage II only 6 (7 per cent), at stage III 34 (40 per cent) and at stage IV 21 patients (24 per cent). Five years or more survived 27 (31 per cent) of all 87 patients. The patients at the early clinical stages (I or II) survived in 55 per cent and at the advanced clinical stages (III or IV) in 18 per cent . The difference is significant (x2=11.8, p less th. 0.001). In 58 patients (68 per cent) in whom the tumor reduction was optimal or suboptimal 29 (50 per cent) survived five years, meanwhile among the patients with no optimal tumor reduction only 3 of 29 (10 per cent) survived. The difference is significant (x2=15.45, p less th. 0.001).