Author/Editor     Hach, P; Jirsova, Z; Vernerova, Z
Title     Nuclear cytoplasmic ratio in epithelial cells of human oviduct
Type     članek
Source     Acta Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 107-11
Language     eng
Abstract     Nuclear cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) is a marker of cell differentiation relatively constant for every given kind of cell. In connection with the previous quantitative study NCR of basic cell types in human oviductal epithelium was studied. Samples of fimbriae, ampulla and isthmus were processed by a routine method for electron microscopy. Randomly chosen ultrathin sections with perpendicularly cut epithelium were photographed and used for evaluation of ciliated (CC) and secretory (SC) cells. Measurements of cellular and nuclear areas of CC a SC from all three parts of oviducts were performed by means of digitalized tablet and commercially available Sigma Scan 3.0 scientific measurement program. Nuclear cytoplasmic ratios (NCR) were calculated in cells which occupied the whole height of the epithelium. Obtained data were analysed using a Student s t-test (p = 0.05). Differences between CC and SC are significant in fimbriae only, contrary to both others oviductal segments. The NCR values of CC differ significantly in all three segments. The differences are nonsignificant for SC. Lower values of NCR-CC in fimbriae comparing with all other cells may be explained by structural changes of fimbrial CC during the late luteal phase.
Descriptors     FALLOPIAN TUBES