Author/Editor     Nolimal, D
Title     Javno zdravstvo in zbiranje podatkov o injicirajočih uživalcih drog v Sloveniji v letu 1993
Translated title     Public health and data collecting about injection drug consumers in Slovenia in 1993
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 11
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 327-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Data from the inquiy oonceming data collection of illicit drug consumers and the range of drug injecting in Slovenia are presented. So called method of "multi-agency case-finding" has been applied. The inquiry searched for the number of injecting drug consumen and their derwtatiorčs, checked by health services in Slovenia in 1993. This approach enables also identi"čtion of various problems that encounter various services that come into contact with the population of drug raonsumen and oi the existing epidemiologic mechanisms for colleding of data conceming Ihis problematics. The results show that dierče is a wsll grouncfed nečed for the establishment of a oentral national unit rč:sponsible kor collecting, soKing, analysing and mediating of infomiation aboul drug consumption and consequential pro lematics in Slovienia
Descriptors     SUBSTANCE ABUSE