Author/Editor     Nolimal, D
Title     Uvajanje kazalca o prvem iskanju zdravstvene pomoči uživalcev drog po metodologiji skupine Pompidou
Translated title     Implementation of first treatment demand indicator related to drug following the methodology of Pompidou group
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 11
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 337-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Treatment reporting system should be a priority in the area of public health policy regarding problematic drug use. The Ministry of Health has appointed the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia as national co-ordinating body for drug epidemiology projects following the methodology of Pompidou Group. The implementation of the First treatment Demand data collection, as a first step, will be a priority within the national epidemiology development programme of the Institute. The Institute has already prepared guidelines for routine mechanisms for collecting and submitting data to the central epidemiological unit. The establishment of first tmatment demand data collection is foreseen within the new national health care statistic legislation.
Descriptors     SUBSTANCE ABUSE