Author/Editor     Rakar, S; Štolfa, A; Kovačič, J
Title     Ovarijski karcinom: današnje stanje in perspektive
Translated title     Ovarian cancer: current status and perspectives
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 10
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 569-71
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Ovarian cancer is the first cause of death among gynecological malignancies and is today the main problem in gynecological oncology. The evaluation of the prognostic factors can improve the treatment results. Methods and results. This analysis deals with 213 patients with epithelial ovarian cancers primarily operated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ljubljana, and than treated with adjuvant therapy at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana in the period 1981-88. The 5 year survival of patients treated in this period was 39 per cent, that was better than in the period 1970-8O when it was only 29 per cent. The amount of residual tumor after primary operation was prognostically very important (5-years survival in cases without residual tumor was 67 per cent, in cases of residual tumor less th. 2 cm it was 33 per cent, and greather th. 2 cm only 7 per cent). The histological type of tumor, considering the stage, was not so prognostically important. On the contrary the grade of differetiation was prognostically very important (5-year survival in grade 1 cases was 63 per cent, in grade 2 cases 34 per cent and in grade 3 cases 24 per cent). Conclusions. The recognition of the prognostic factor is necessary for rational treatment of ovarian cancer. Since most ovarian cancers are diagnosed in advanced stages (57 per cent of all cases), today all efforts should be focussed on early diagnosis, which is probably the only factor that can lead to the dramatic fall of the mortality rate.