Avtor/Urednik     Babnik, J
Naslov     10 let neonatalne službe v ljubljanski porodnišnici
Prevedeni naslov     10 years of neonatal care in the Ljubljana maternity hospital
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 63, št. 10
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 573-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The aim of the paper is to present the 10 year development of neonatal care in the Ljubljana Maternity Hospital. Methods. The data concerning the activities of the Neonatal intensive care unit were obtained from annual reports, while the data for Slovenia were taken from labour records. Results. The mile-stones in the development of the Ljubljana Maternity have been introductions of transport in utero and neonatal intensive care, moving to the newly-built maternity with facilities for rooming-in and the introduction of surfactant therapy. 29 per cent of all babies in Slovenia are born in the Ljubljana Maternity Hospital, and due to the transport in utero 2/3 of all very low birth weight infants and almost one half of babies weighting 1500-2000 g are born here. Birth weight specific survival rate is significantly higher in the Ljubljana maternity than in the rest of Slovenia (78 per cent vs 43 per cent), the average for the last five years being 82 per cent. In 1992 perinatal mortality in the Ljubljana Maternity Hospital was 12.8 per thousand and in other Slovenia Maternity Hospitals 9.1 per thousand. The reason being a small number of proterm babies and the ones with lethal congenital anomalies born outside Ljubljana. Excluding babies weighting less than 1000 g and the ones with lethal congenital anomalies perinatal mortality in the Ljubljana Materrcity Hospital decreases to only 4.2 per thousand and in other Slovenia Maternity Hospitals to 6.5 per thousand. Conclusions. The trasport in utero and the introduction of intensive care on the largest Maternity Hospit al in Slovenia had a significant impact on the decrease of perinatal and neonatal mortality rates, especially in the group of preterm babies with the lowest birth weight.
Deskriptorji     NEONATOLOGY