Author/Editor     Tomaževič, T; Meden-Vrtovec, H; Ribič-Pucelj, M; Pompe-Tanšek, M; Vogler, A; Kos, D; Veble, A; Valentinčič, B
Title     Po desetih letih IVF ET na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani
Translated title     Ten years of IVF ET at the University women hospital Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 10
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 579-83
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Ten years of the Ljubljana IVF ET programme (1983-1993) have been reviewed. Methods. Retrospective analysis comprises 7183 cycles out of Ljubljana IVF registry. The results in different indications, stimulation protocols, ages of patients and numbers of trials have been analysed and compared. Cumulative pregnancy rates after several trials in female and male infertility patients have been presented. Results. There were 958 pregnancies out of 7183 stimulated cycles in 2955 women. 702 pregnancies ended as live births, 218 as spontaneous abortions and 38 as ectopic pregnancies. There were 112 multiple pregnancies. The success rates significantly differed according to different indications, protocols of ovarian stimulation and age of patients. The mean live birth rate during the period of ten years was 10 per cent. Pregnancy rates per transfer significantly improved during the period of the last three years - the pregnancy rate per transfer of one embryo being 12 per cent, of two embryos 15 per cent and of three embryos 31 per cent which is significantly higher compared to the first and second three years of our activities. In female infertility there was no reduction of success rates according to the number of subsequent IVF trials. In male infertility the changes became poor after fifth attempt. If IVF ET were accepted as a multiple cycle therapy the majority of infertile women would be able to resolve their infertility problem. Conclusions. IVF ET can be successfully used for treatment of various forms of infertility. Introduction of vaginal ultrasound, new stimulation regimens and improvements in laboratory work made IVF ET simpler, more successful and repeatable. Repeating IVF ET trials the majority of infertile women would resolve their problem. This is not true for some forms of infertility especially some forms of male infertility and for infertility in women over 35 years of age.