Author/Editor     Bole-Hribovšek, V
Title     Poskus epizootiološke analize salmonel, izoliranih iz prašičev v Sloveniji od januarja 1979 do junija 1991
Translated title     An attempt of epizootiologic analysis of Salmonellae isolated from pigs in Slovenia from January 1979 to June 1991
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 1-2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 35-47
Language     slo
Abstract     148 strains of salmonella, isolated from pigs of different production categories, slurry from pig farms or pork from January 1979 to June 1991, were determinated. 21 serovars were found, one strain belonged to group C1 and one strain could not be determinated. They originated from pigs owned by private breeders, cooperative breeders, agro-industrial, army-owned farms, food industry and trade, while for 12 strains only veterinary organizations sending them for determination were known. Most frequently salmonellae were isolated from fattening pigs and weaned piglets and from the following organs: spleen, liver, lung and intestine. The most frequently found serovar was S. choleraesuis (39.86 per cent strains), S. heidelberg (9.46 per cent), S. typhimurium (7.43 per cent), S. derby, S. enteritidis and S. infantis (5.41 per cent each) followed. It seems that infections of pigs with salmonellae were not found frequently in Slovenia, but they represent a risk, because of their occurrence in large populations like agro-industrial complexes. It also seems that pigs were rarely a source of infection for men in Slovenia, pigs were maybe even infected with some serovars (S. hadar, S. manhattan) by men. Pigs were probably infected with 10 of 21 serovars by contaminated feedstuffs and with the remaining serovars other paths of infection would also be possible. For serovars that are widespread more detailed epizootiologic examinations would be needed to ascertain the paths of infections.
Descriptors     SWINE