Author/Editor     Brglez, I; Jenčič, V
Title     Bakterioze pri ribah; klasifikacija in nomenklatura povzročiteljev ter patologija
Translated title     Fish bacterioses; classification, nomenclature of causing agents and pathology
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 1-2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 55-62
Language     slo
Abstract     The nomenclature of gliding chromogenic, Gram negative bacteria, causing agents of fish diseases, was studied. The authors recommend the nomenclature of the last issue of Bergey's Manual from the year 1989, where these bacteria are ranged in the genus Cytophaga with species, C. columnaris, the causing agent of the Columnaris disease, C. psychrophila, the causmg agent of cold-water disease, C. aquatilis, the causing agent of gill bacteriosis and C. marina, the causing agent of diseases in marine fishes. Synonyms for the species C. columnaris (Chondrococcus columnaris, Flexibacter columnaris, Bacillus columnaris) should be omitted. Such names could not befound in the last issue of Bergey's Manual either. The synonym Flexibacter psychrophyla for the species C. psycrophila is also unsuitable. Flexibacter aurantiacus is most probably entirely another species (not synonym). The synonym Flavobacterium branchiophila for the species C. psychrophila the causing agent of gill bacteriosis, is not suitable, a bacterium with such a name according to the last three issues of Bergey's Manual does not exist. The same is the case with the names Flexibacter maritimus and Flexibacter marinus for the now used name Cytophaga marina, the causing agent of diseases in marine fishes.
Descriptors     FISH DISEASES