Avtor/Urednik     Šavrin, Rajmond; Turk, Rajko; Vodovnik, Lojze; Stefanovska, Aneta; Maležič, Matija; Benko, Helena; Dimnik Vesel, Zdenka; Obreza, Pavla
Naslov     Liječenje dekubitalnih rana pomoću električne stimulacije kod bolesnika s ozljedom vratnog dijela kralješnice
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Džidić I, editor. Vratna kralješnica. Prvi znanstveno-stručni simpozij o dijagnostici, aktivnom liječenju i rehabilitaciji spinalnih ozljeda i bolesti; 1989 lis 27-29; Varaždinske Toplice. Varaždinske Toplice: Bolnica za reumatske bolesti i rehabilitaciju,
Leto izdaje     1989
Obseg     str. 138-41
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Bedsores are one among frequent complications among patients with spine injury. At Univerzitetski zavod za rehabilitaciju invalida in Ljubljana we try to treat sores by electrical stimulation. In order to enable us to do that, Institut Jožef Stefan from Ljubljana made for us a miniature onechannel D-5 stimulator. We present clinical experience and results of 18 patients having all together 27 sores. 13 patients were receiving electrical stimulation and other 5 were included into control group in a month time. 20 sores healed up by electrical stimulation and 6 sores didn't because patients were released too early. Only one sore in control group healed up without electrical stimulation.