Author/Editor     Štefančič, M
Title     Pregled znanstveno-raziskovalne dejavnosti zavoda
Translated title     Scientific research in Rehabilitation institute Ljubljana
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Inštitut republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 53
Language     slo
Abstract     Investigations represent an important section of activities such as underway at an any university institution. Scientific research at the Rehabilitation Institute started well before the latter was actually granted the status of a university institution. At first, the research promoted at the Institute was focused upon vocational rehabilitation and general disability problems. A Studies-and-Analyses group met the challenge of the initial period. They engaged in the studies and analyses of the orgnizational approach to rehabilitation and development of vocational rehabilitation. An important body which in those pioneer times coordinated and surveyed rehabilitation in Slovenia was the Permanent Conference for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities. The results obtained in the initial period provided a solid basis to further rehabilitation research that was developing at a brisk pace, soon reaching beyond the scope of studying-analytical activities. The circumstances at the Institute had matured to a degree that allowed the establishing of an organizational unit engaged in systematic research in basic as well as applicative projects in the field of medical, technical and social sciences. In the mid-sixties the Studies-and-Analyses group was transformed into a Sector of Scientific Research, including a department of psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation and a department of medical investigations (with three laboratories, covering electro physiology, kinesiology, physiology of work and biomedical engineering). The establishment of the above Sector was followed by in tensive research. In the subsequent years, the Sector was undergoing numerous organizational changes including several changes of name, until it was finally constituted as a subunit for research and functional diagnostics, its foremost task being promotion of reseach activities.(trunc.)