Avtor/Urednik     Lokajner, Gordana; Sima, Ðurđa
Naslov     Vrtinec osebnostnih vrednot medicinskih sester ter babic in profesionalnih vrednot zdravstvene in babiške nege
Prevedeni naslov     Maelstorm of personal and professional values of nurses and midwives
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Skela-Savič B, Hvalič-Touzery S, Zurc J, et al, editors. Evidence-based health care - opportunities for linking health care professions, patient needs and knowledge. Proceedings of lectures with peer review of the 4th International scientific conference on nursing and health care research; 2011 Jun 9-10; Ljubljana. Jesenice: College of Nursing,
Leto izdaje     2011
Obseg     str. 342-50
Jezik     slo