Author/Editor     Musek, J
Title     Implicitne kategorije in dimenzije vrednot: hierarhična struktura vrednot in vrednostnih usmeritev
Translated title     The implicit categories and dimensions of values: a hierarchical structure of values and value orientations
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 25, št. 1-2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 31-52
Language     slo
Abstract     In the present study an attempt was made at a more precise specification of the implicit structure of value ratings. The model contains different levels of goals and values extending from specific (motivational) goals to very general value orientations. Multivariate analyses of values confirmed the model proposed and showed convincingly a hierarchical structure of values consisting of different levels of generality. On the most general level only two broad clusters of values appeared namely the cluster of dionysian values and the cluster of apollonian values. The first cluster further divides into hedonistic values and potency values, and the second cluster divides into moral values and values of fulfilment. Still more specifically, 9 dimensions of values or value orientations could be defined: traditional morality, status orientation, democratic (societal) orientation, cultural-spiritual orientation, self actualizing orientation; religious orientation, social hedonistic orientation, sensual-material hedonism and intellectualistic orientation.
Descriptors     SOCIAL VALUES