Author/Editor     Lamovec, T; Tušak, M
Title     Personal orientation inventory: test samoaktualizacije
Translated title     Slovenian translation and adaption of the POI self-actualization questionnaire (E.L. Shostrom, 1963)
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 25, št. 1-2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 68-82
Language     slo
Abstract     A large part of A. Maslow's research focused on the study of motivation and motives. He introduced the notion of a hierarchy of motives. At the bottom of the hierarchy are the basic, biological motives or drives. Only when these are fulfilled, do thepsychological motives (the need for safety, affection, self realisation, selj esteem) arise. At the top of the hierarchy, Maslow places the motive of self actualisation as comprehensive personal development and full self expression, most frequently achieved through creative work and life. With his POI questionnaire, E. L. Shostrom tried to establish the presence of certain prnperties which Maslow defines as characteristic of self actualised individuals. Shostrom set out 12 scales encompassing an individual's temporal adequacy and orientation, the characteristics of an individual's values and feelings, his/herself perception, synergic consciousness and interpersonal sensitivity. Individual scales measure the following: temporal adequacy/inadequacy, outward/inward orientation, self actualising values, existentiality, emotional responsiveness, spontaneity, self esteem, self acceptance, human nature, synergy, response to aggression, capacity for deep interpersonal contacts. For our research, we have translated and adapted the questionnaire and worked out some general nomts. The standardisation of the results was performed via T scale in orderto make a comparison with theAmerican results (also standardised via T scale) possible. The results of the comparison suggest that, compared to Americans, Slovenes are temporally less realistic, more inclined to seek support from others and less independent, have fewer self actualised values, are more rigid in the application of values, have a less favourable opinion of themselves, find it more difficult to admit their weaknesses and feelings of anger and aggression, are more inclined to deny the existence of such feelings, and have more difficulties in creating warm interpersonal.