Author/Editor     Rutar, D
Title     Psihologija skoz psihoanalizo. V. del: dva problema logike označevalca
Translated title     Two problems of the logic of signifier
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 25, št. 1-2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 106-16
Language     slo
Abstract     In this essay two main concepts of the theory of knowledge, namely the concept of K R. Popper and the concept of T. Kuhn, were strictly elaborated. The concepts are of great interest for us, because they teach us about subject and the way of his establishment, and on the other hand about politics of knowledge. The subject is both, a necessary condition and an indelible obstacle to the politics of knowledge. He merely introduces a formal structural place, which has to be submitted if we want to save us from some additional unfavourable and unanswerable troubles and in last instance, from absurdity. On the other side, the subject is also an obstacle to the practice of knowledge, because no subject's effort can elucidate - consistently and thorough - the universe which is inaugurated by the subject's capability to produce knowledge.