Avtor/Urednik     Hočevar-Boltežar, Irena; Šereg Bahar, Maja; Kravos, Alenka; Muminović, Gordana; Mitrović, Slobodan
Naslov     Is an occupation with vocal load a risk factor for laryngopharyngeal reflux: a prospective, multicentre, multivariate comparative study
Tip     članek
Vir     Clinical otolaryngology
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. 37
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 362-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Objectives:Ž To compare the prevalence of laryngopharyngeal reflux in choristers, teachers and control subjects without vocal load at work, and to determine the risk factors for laryngopharyngeal reflux. Design:Ž A prospective, multicentre, multivariate comparative study Participants:Ž One hundred and nineteen singers from four professional choirs, seventy teachers from four schools, and 111 control subjects with an occupation without vocal load. Main outcome measures:Ž All participants completed a questionnaire abouttheir dietary habits, height and weight, presence of stress, smoking, andallergies, including the nine-item Reflux Symptom Index. The groups of choristers, teachers and the controls were compared to each other with regard to their sex, age, dietary habits, body-mass index, Reflux Symptom Index scoreand other factors affecting voice quality. The subjects from all three groups with suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux were compared to the subjects without it. The relationship between the Reflux Symptom Index score and the possible risk factors for reflux was estimated. Results:Ž The results showed significantly higher Reflux Symptom Index scores in the choristers than in theteachers and the controls (mean scores 7.86 vs 6.33, p=0.044; 7.86 vs 4.80,p=0.000, respectively) but the number of subjects with suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux (Reflux Symptom Index score > 13) did not differ significantly between the groups. The choristers were significantly more oftentreated for laryngopharyngeal reflux than the teachers and the controls (41%, 17%, 28%, respectively). The occupation chorister and frequently experiencing stress were the only factors that influenced the total Reflux Symptom Index score. Conclusions:Ž Laryngopharyngeal reflux affects the choristers more often than the teachers or the control subjects without vocal load at work. (Abs. trunc. at 2000 ch.)