Avtor/Urednik     Sepčić, Juraj; Ristić, Smiljana; Perković, Olivio; Brinar, Vesna; Lipozenčić, Jasna; Crnić-Martinović, M.; Starčević-Čizmarević, Nada; Janko Labinac, D.; Kapović, Miljenko; Peterlin, Borut
Naslov     #A #case of lichen ruber planus in a patient with familial multiple sclerosis
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 5
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 1856-1860
ISSN     0300-0605 - The Journal of international medical research
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Multiple sclerosis and lichen ruber planus are clinically and histologically distinct complex disorders of putative autoimmune aetiology that are fairly commonly observed in isolation but rarely found in combination. Only two previous reports have described lichen skin disorders in association with multiple sclerosis. The present report describes the case of a 51-year old Caucasian woman exhibiting both familial multiple sclerosis and lichen ruber planus. This combination may have occurred by chance or it might imply that these disorders share common mechanisms in their pathogenesis.
Proste vsebinske oznake     familial multiple sclerosis
lichen ruber planus
autoimmune skin disorders
case study