Author/Editor     Vrdoljak, Eduard; Ciuleanu, Tudor; Kharkevich, Galina; Mardiak, Jozef; Mego, Michal; Padrik, Peeter; Petruželka, Luboš; Purkalne, Gunta; Shparyk, Yaroslav; Škrbinc, Breda; Szczylik, Cezary; Torday, Laszlo
Title     Optimizing treatment for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the central and Eastern European region
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 2
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 159-174
ISSN     1744-7666 - Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy
Language     eng
Descriptors     Antineoplastic agents
Carcinoma, renal cell
Kidney neoplasms
Drug therapy
Drug therapy
Keywords     kemoterapija
ledvične celice
rak ledvic