Author/Editor     Cvjetanović, B
Title     Typhoid - microbiology and public health
Translated title     Tifus - mikrobiologija in javno zdravstvo
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. II-11-II-1
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. In the introduction the author discusses the coordination between epidemiology and microbiology in general as well as in the eradication of typhoid as a case indicator. The role of "intermittent carriers" is presented in connection with the challenge dose of S. typhi. Mathematical models are seen as a method for the eradication of typhoid in global perspective. Mechanism of "self limitation" is descrihed. Effects of war in the former Yugoslavia cannot be predicted but some data are given for Croatia. It is obvious that for the time being eradication of typhoid is interrupted, and some reasons aregiven: decline of personal and domestic hygiene, slackening of preventive measures, destruction of sanitary facilities and overtaxation of public health institutions. Conclusions. Perspectives depend on the stability of the illness and the effects of war destruction. The author feels that, the future is uncertain.
Descriptors     TYPHOID